Where we work

From the very beginning we decided to take action in a specific area, thus we are able to concentrate our efforts.

We mainly work in Mbackombel, a small Senegalese village on the savannah (Sahel) and in surrounding settlements (Soussane, Nia Niar, Louly Benteigné,etc. And also in the city of Mbour)

Mbackombel has 60 inhabitants, mostly of Serer ethnicity. It belongs to the Rural Community of Sandiara, department of Mbour, Province of Thies, Republic of Senegal.

We are 15 kilometres away from the coast and 90 kilometres south from Dakar, the capital of Senegal.

They depend on the rain, as their main “riches” are millets and peanuts. The droughts of recent years have made their lives harder.

Mario Llonch and Asun Fiochi live in the village for an average of six months per year, this way they can follow closely the evolution of the projects that are being carried out.

We are also working in education on the periphery of the city of M’Bour, basically in marginal neighbourhoods




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